


23 شهریور 1403 19:08 0 کامنت

On the 100th day of Russia's military operation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy pledged on his Instagram page that Ukraine would win the war against Russia.

"Ukraine will win," Zelenskyy said in a video message, according to the Hill website.
The party leader is here, the head of the presidential office is here, the Prime Minister of Ukraine [Dennis] Shmihal is here, [Advisor to the President's Office Mikhailo] Podoliak is here, and your president is here.

He continued:
Our team is much bigger. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are here, and most importantly, the people, the people of our country, are here and they have been defending Ukraine for 100 days. Victory will be ours. Peace be upon Ukraine.

According to the report, Zelenskyy's video was similar in style and nature to the video released on February 25, the day after Russia invaded Ukraine.

According to the American newspaper "New York Times", Zelenskyy also said in the video of February 25:
We are all here, our soldiers are here, the citizens of this country are here. We are all here to defend our independence and our country, and we will continue to do so.

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